Wednesday 11 March 2015

5 tips to transform your home into a stress free zone

Stress influences the mind, body, and behavior in many negative ways and can hamper the pursuit of a healthy and happy life. Most of us experience stress in one form or another at some point in our lives, be it at our work places, our schools, in the streets or in our personal relationships.
Your home is meant to be a refuge. One that will not only shelter you from harsh weather but will also shield you from the harshness of day to day life. We bring you a few tips to transform your home into a zen paradise that offers you serenity and peace of mind.
1)  Declutter and clean
Coming home to a house that has been de-cluttered and cleaned will immediately place you in a more serene state of mind. A Zen lifestyle is one that embraces minimalism and hence try to avoid having too many paintings, pictures or decorative items around. This will just add to the clutter in your space.
2)  Use flowers and plants
Instead of filling your house with materialistic belongings, try to fill your living space with plants and flowers. Studies have indicated that stocking your room with plants can help calm you down.
3)  Lights and scents
Avoid the use of harsh lights in the house that can be headache-inducing. Instead opt for soft ambient lights using task lamps—desk lamps, floor lamps, and table lamps. The best option is to have open windows and bright curtains that let in lots of natural light.
You can also have scent diffusers and incense sticks in natural smells, which can not only be calming when it’s time to sleep, but also invigorating when it’s time to wake.
4) Softness under your feet
One of the most relaxing feelings is to walk on soft green grass. You can recreate this experience in your homes, by having soft textured carpets under your feet. There are many options to choose from in the carpet and based on your budget you can choose a carpet in cool earthy tones.
5)  Switch off electronic devices
Electronic devices such radios, TVs and phones are most often a source of distraction and therefore do not integrate in a fully Zen decor. Try to keep them switched off or tucked away out of sight when at home. Also make sure that you hide all the wires and cables that could distort the serene atmosphere of the Zen setting.

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